This week we celebrated Gavin’s 4th birthday. Wednesday morning, I took him to the mall where he was able to play with some other boys around his age. Then, we went to Build-a-Bear and got a new outfit for his bear, Sword. (He named the bear Sword) Can you guess which costume he picked?? Well the pirate one of course. The only other option that had a sword with it. After that, I let him go to McDonalds where he got to play with more kids. He had a blast with me in the morning. In the afternoon, I went to work, and Mom made special Star Wars pancakes for dinner and then they watched Cars2 while playing with his new glow in the dark race track. Heather said that Gavin started to tear up toward the end of the night. He said, I’ve had so much fun on my birthday, but tomorrow my birthday will be all gone:(
Gavin also started a new class last week. The class is kind of like a preschool setting. I drop him off every Friday for 2 hours. He seemed to really enjoy it. I am hoping for a bit more peer interaction than the first class, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Gavin’s started hanging out with Ethan at ABA for about an hour on Thursdays now too. He just loves that. The therapist are working on getting the boys to interact and play more together. They are also giving Gavin some skills to help teach Ethan too.
Ethan has lots going on too. He started a new round of treatment for chelation about a month ago. I will go over all the details of that in another post. At Christmas time, Ethan had gotten into a loaf of bread which sparked a new yeast infection. (click this link to learn more about yeast infections) We started to see all those great symptoms; aggression, temper, crying, poor sleeping, uncontrollable giggling for hours, terrible rash on his cheeks. His pediatrician gave us another round of antifungal. After starting the meds, Ethan transformed back to his normal self almost overnight. Ethan was discharged from physical therapy this week, so that will be one less thing he has to do during the week. Although, we will probably just send him to ABA earlier. At the last post, we said goodbye to the great Ms. Ashley. This time we happily welcome back the new best therapist in Texas, Ms Amanda (applause) We are so happy to have her back with Ethan. It’s great to have someone who connects with him and sees the potential in him.
Not too much going on with Heather and I. I made it past the 90 day probation at Costco, so I guess I am going to be there a while. I am still vlounteering for the city’s Live Green program. My major contribution so far is to their blog. I have been writing a series of well received blogs regarding natural healing. If you have yet to check it out, click on the link in the top left corner. Look for the title, “When I get that feeling, I want Natural Healing”.
I started studying for the GRE this week. Completely overwhelming right now. I’ve been out of school for nearly a decade, so getting ready for this exam is a daunting task right now. Anyone with advice on the GRE or graduate school please send it my way.
I started studying for the GRE this week. Completely overwhelming right now. I’ve been out of school for nearly a decade, so getting ready for this exam is a daunting task right now. Anyone with advice on the GRE or graduate school please send it my way.
Heather is teaching her heart out as always. This year Heather’s New Year’s resolution is to refocus on herself. She is always trying to help and please others, but this year she is making time for herself.
That’s the update for now. I will have a new post about Ethan’s new treatment within the next week or so.
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