Monday, July 25, 2011

Ethan's BioMedical Update!! The Good News

Some of you know, about a year ago, Heather and I were on the fence regarding biomedical treatment for Ethan.  We were all set to stop the diet, but something in our gut kept telling us that quitting was not  the right thing to do.  We spoke to Ethan's D.A.N. (defeat autism now) doctor, and without even realizing he talked us into staying the course. The latest round of tests are helpful indicators to us that we are definitely doing the right thing for Ethan.

We met with Ethan's doctor today.  He spent an hour and a half with us going over the results for 3 different tests.  We had a nutritional evaluation, the stool analysis, and the IgG test (food reaction).  Ethan had a few victories.  Ethan's leaky gut is healing. The IgG test showed the number of foods Ethan reacts to has dramatically decreased.  There was so much healing in the gut that the doctor was confident enough to recommend reintroducing the foods that were previously avoided. Wheat, soy, and even dairy are going to be back on the menu!!!!  We still need to slowly reintroduce these foods on a rotational basis, but this is exciting news for us. (and for Ethan I'm sure)  We will begin to introduce these foods one at a time every week or two.  Obviously, we will still be staying away from preservatives, artificial flavors, and heavily processed foods, but this will open up many new food possibilities for Ethan.
The nutritional evaluation showed many of Ethan's severe nutritional deficiencies are on the up swing. Levels of Vitamins A, B1, B7, B9, C, and E, Zinc, CoQ10, and Magnesium are all climbing. A long battle to get the almost non existent Vitamin D level up is finally over.  Vitamin D is key to helping the immune system, and Ethan's finally jumped into the normal range.  We will go from giving Ethan 20+ different supplements everyday down to 10!!!
The test also had markers indicating Ethan is starting to methylate. The methylation cycle is how your body detoxifies and helps prevent oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress has been one of Ethan's 3 biggest problems medically.  The battle is not over, but it seems we are starting to get a grip on this one.

  A popular saying in the autism community is, it's a marathon not a sprint.  As we pass each mile, we turn the corner and realize there's still 20 more miles ahead. Ethan still has many roadblocks, and some pretty heavy treatment coming in the near future. I will leave that for another post.  Let's enjoy these victories as tomorrow brings us more detours for Ethan's path toward health.

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